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Step 1: to in 8 weeks – Jeff is in South America

Part 2: The AnKing Overhaul Deck video (WHY this deck is so awesome! Also how to use it.) Part 3: The Special Fields add-on video (HOW to update to this deck- watch this video step-by-step as you are updating. See below for troubleshooting!) We also have a written version of the steps to update here. AnKingMaster-v2 Card Type Download Aug 18,  · Yousmle Anki deck — I honestly didn’t think these were great until I got in studying more and then really started appreciating the quality of the cards. There are minor errors here and there but overall it’s a great way to review concepts that will be commonly tests May 10,  · 4) From the Anki mobile app, click on “synchronize” to download the cards from your online account. That’s it! Now you can study your cards anywhere, at Reviews: 7

yousmle anki deck free download

Yousmle anki deck free download

Oh well, lesson learned for Step 2. For those without context, starting with a before your dedicated study period can probably get you yousmle anki deck free download the range in the dedicated period.

Starting with you can probably get My study schedule was definitely a mess. I did NOT stay on schedule as I 1 gave myself too many materials to study and 2 I studied about 3x slower than I needed to. I naturally am slow and intense with my studying… as such when other people could get through first aid in 2 weeks, it took me 6 weeks.

My original plan was to get through all of SketchyMicro in like days, finish SketchyPham in the same amount of time, yousmle anki deck free download, get through First Aid in 2 weeks, and then do UWorld in 2 weeks and then do one week of review for a total yousmle anki deck free download 6 weeks.

What Yousmle anki deck free download happened was that it took me about week and a half to get through Sketchy Micro because I would spend minutes per video to write down every last detail they said in the video, yousmle anki deck free download. If you ever want to feel stressed out go on those forums… though they do offer some good advice sometimes. My god I was stressed out during those first 2 weeks.

At the same time I was mixing in Pathoma, SketchyPharm, Picmonic, Anki cards, Goljan audio only and a UWorld block with every subject I covered. See my review of each resource on at the end. Then I stopped studying around 8pm the night before the test. Goljan audios yousmle anki deck free download literally yousmle anki deck free download alarm clock.

So if I wanted to be lazy in bed it would let me still get some studying in. Go to bed. I tried to fix that by stopping studying an hour before I went to bed but that and nothing else seemed to fix the issue so I just decided to keep studying every moment till going to bed, yousmle anki deck free download.

Once I got to the last two weeks I just did UWorld questions per day. Once I knew the material I could actually answer questions without needing to look up every single thing. I was going a bit crazy studying around the other medical students so after 2 weeks I went home and that changed everything. It calmed me ever so much, yousmle anki deck free download. If you get stressed during times like this, I highly suggest you do the same.

It went from studying hours a day and feeling crappy and super anxious to studying hours a day feeling only slightly anxious by being around my family. The actual test felt like a dream. I felt like a floating, drunken butterfly, intoxicated by fog of facts swirling around in my head. I felt so light once the test was over. I noticed the sun as it kissed my skin.

I was FREE. I felt like I had superpowers where I could have free time. One thing I will say about UWorld — I was NOT able to do it efficiently till I went through all the material once. These were the only questions I ended up doing. Doctors in Training DIT — saved my goddamn life.

In addition it covers some topics that are not in First Aid which can still appear on Step 1. However, I think this says more about the people who opted to use it than the resource itself.

As someone who started with areading straight from First Aid proved next to impossible for me. I yousmle anki deck free download some of these cards throughout the year but honestly only covered like or so of them before the dedicated study period. My own Anki deck — I think this is a wonderful way to memorize those things that you know are going to be important but will disappear from your memory instantly.

DO NOT PUT THINGS FROM UWORLD IN HERE. Stick to the high yield topics only plz. Sketchy Micro — hands down best way to learn microbiology. A bunch of fun videos. It goes really quickly after the first time. SketchyPharm — It has a lot of mixed reviews for people but I thought it was really great.

DO NOT TRY TO TAKE NOTES WHILE WATCHING THE VIDEO. That was a big mistake I did and I wasted a lot of time. Just watch the videos at 2x and absorb the info. Then review the facts with the picture they provide and close your eyes to make sure you can recreate the scene and the info, yousmle anki deck free download. Doing that should take you about 30 or so minutes per video.

Picmonic — Similar to Sketchy but there is less of a story and the pictures are a little zanier and cover the topics not seen in SketchyMicro or Pharm. That being said this was a really powerful memorization tool yousmle anki deck free download helped me collect the facts I needed in one easy to organize place. They also let you customize the pictures so you can include things from disparate resources.

Cram Fighter — This saved me soooooo much planning time. It makes a schedule yousmle anki deck free download you based on the resources you want to review and the average time it takes students to review them, yousmle anki deck free download. For me, I would have to double the time they said it took the average student to review things, which was quite stressful for me.

However, this tool helped me get through it when I constantly fell behind my schedule it reorganizes the schedule as much as you need. I would have studied during the year using resources that stick well in long term memory, aka the picture resources like Picmonic and SketchyMedical, or a spaced repetition system like Anki or Firecracker.

I noticed those Picmonics I had used earlier in first or second year had stuck like glue when I went back to study them later during the dedicated period. I think if you can consistently review for Step 1 during your second year on a daily basis you can absolutely kill the test. I virtually did not review until the dedicated period, hence my initial lower end score that I had to make up for during the dedicated period.

Also I would have knocked off resources preferably by studying them before getting to the dedicated period. I wasted too much time studying disparate things. In summary: Go forth, put your nose to the book, but most importantly, RELAX. do you still have that deck? round 2 — 2 years later, after working for 2 years is sooo much tougher to stay motivated XD.

I too was freaking out a bit about that because most of my classmates are freakishly efficient and had gone through it twice… But yes, thank you, if you work your butt off you can get a good score no matter who you are!

Good luck!! Hello, thanks for the post and congrats on your score. I wonder if the practice tests you did were NBME or UWSA?

Thanks ��. hey I know youre probably busy but if you get a chance, could you please send that Anki dek �� thanks!!!! You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account.

You are commenting using your Twitter account, yousmle anki deck free download. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Menu Skip to content. About Me. by Jeff. Good lord what a ride that was. The Struggle My study schedule was definitely a mess. Then afterwards I yousmle anki deck free download doing my first few UWorld blocks which would take me hours each.

Once I finally got on an efficient schedule my days would look like this: -Wake-up 8am. Longer chapters took several days. I ate all my meals while studying basically and took small 15 minute breaks here and there. How all my meals looked. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading just saw this, shoot. any chance I could grab that Anki deck off you? round 2 — 2 years later, after working for 2 years is sooo much tougher to stay motivated XD and hey, thanks for the post!

good to see someone a little more human get a good score! mannion gmail. com thanks ��. NBME only. Those are supposed the most indicative of what your final score will be.

Thank you. Do you mind telling us your Uworld percentage correct?

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Yousmle anki deck free download

yousmle anki deck free download

May 10,  · 4) From the Anki mobile app, click on “synchronize” to download the cards from your online account. That’s it! Now you can study your cards anywhere, at Reviews: 7 FREE Consult: Master More - Faster - for Impressive Boards Scores. Menu. Step 1 Tutoring; Step 2 CK Tutoring; Step 3 Tutoring; COURSE; Anki Decks. Step 1 Anki Deck; Step 2 Anki Deck; Pharm Deck; Sample Cards; Search; Close. FREE Yousmle Anki Card Samples. For FREE Step 1 Sample Cards Sign Up Below: For FREE Step 2 Sample Cards Sign Up Below 1. Download Anki if you haven’t already and install the program. 2. Download the Anki deck (s) you purchased/downloaded by using the link in the e-mail sent to you. If you don’t see it, check the “Spam” folder. Download sample cards from the Step 1 deck here. blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

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